
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Edge of Tomorrow Movie Review!!!!

   Ok, so after I saw this a couple days ago I needed time to think about it to give it a fair shake...but honestly, no matter how much I think about it...I still just can not get a point where I think it was a great movie, but does that mean I think it was bad? No, there were parts and aspects that I actually enjoyed. If I had to pick between this Tom Cruise movie and Oblivion thought...I would pick Oblivion every time. I loved the premise and the look of this movie but there was something about watching that actually annoyed me. Even gave me a headache. My only conclusion is that it was the montage of "Wake up maggot!"...every time we actually got something new and the story changed and progressed it kept me engaged and interested. But as I said there were parts really annoyed me about the "groundhog day" repeats. Although I must admit that seeing Tom get shot over and over did help to make up for that. For those curious about the plot...the movie follows Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt who are soldiers fighting in a war against alien invaders that can control time. And when Tom kills one of these aliens he somehow gains that some ability, and from there the film take many twists and unexpected turns that all together make for a very interesting and new feeling sci-fy film. Do I recommend people see this in theaters? I do, the scale and feel of the conflicts, the characters interactions and looks of the aliens demand to be seen on the big screen at least once and I don't think you will be disappointed. The movie does require to think a little, its not brainless violence or reused plots (at least not that I can think of atm) so go expecting to pay attention.

Now the moment everyone has waited for...I give the Edge of Tomorrow...
7.5 Fedora's out of 10
it was a refreshing sci-fy film and if you like Tom Cruise action you should really enjoy this. Even if your not a Tom fan you will get engaged with the premise.

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