
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Funny Coincidence....?

Unobtainium..."The Core" and "Avatar"

   This movie came out several years before Avatar and uses a man made metal called unobtainium to build a vehicle to travel to the Core (as the title says) because the US made a weapon that causes artificial earthquakes which in turn disturbs our cores delicate rotation. Needless to say the metal is so strong and weird that it actually gets stronger the more external force is applied to it by lets say traveling to the core...

  The above picture shows unobtainium in the Avatar movie, this metal is found on a world called Pandora inhabited by a race knows as the Navi. This metal is created naturally and can be dug up...

   The whole point I brought this up is because I thought it was interesting to see the metal of the same name coming from two very different sources appearing in very different there a reason behind this? A coincidence? Am I just over thinking something that has no importance...more than likely but that's ok, I can live with that. What do you guys think, let me!

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