
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Edge of Tomorrow Movie Review!!!!

   Ok, so after I saw this a couple days ago I needed time to think about it to give it a fair shake...but honestly, no matter how much I think about it...I still just can not get a point where I think it was a great movie, but does that mean I think it was bad? No, there were parts and aspects that I actually enjoyed. If I had to pick between this Tom Cruise movie and Oblivion thought...I would pick Oblivion every time. I loved the premise and the look of this movie but there was something about watching that actually annoyed me. Even gave me a headache. My only conclusion is that it was the montage of "Wake up maggot!"...every time we actually got something new and the story changed and progressed it kept me engaged and interested. But as I said there were parts really annoyed me about the "groundhog day" repeats. Although I must admit that seeing Tom get shot over and over did help to make up for that. For those curious about the plot...the movie follows Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt who are soldiers fighting in a war against alien invaders that can control time. And when Tom kills one of these aliens he somehow gains that some ability, and from there the film take many twists and unexpected turns that all together make for a very interesting and new feeling sci-fy film. Do I recommend people see this in theaters? I do, the scale and feel of the conflicts, the characters interactions and looks of the aliens demand to be seen on the big screen at least once and I don't think you will be disappointed. The movie does require to think a little, its not brainless violence or reused plots (at least not that I can think of atm) so go expecting to pay attention.

Now the moment everyone has waited for...I give the Edge of Tomorrow...
7.5 Fedora's out of 10
it was a refreshing sci-fy film and if you like Tom Cruise action you should really enjoy this. Even if your not a Tom fan you will get engaged with the premise.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

22 Jump Street Movie Review!!!!

   So I watched this a few days ago actually but I have been crazy busy with now that I have time. LETS TALK COMEDY!! I had read and watched a few reviews about this movie before I saw it, which normally I don't do that. But for sequels it normally isn't an issue for me, especially for a comedy. I did genuinely enjoy this though. I was afraid that it might be repetitive and boring but I laughed really hard at certain parts and the ones I didn't laugh at I shook my head at them. So the film at least kept me engaged and the chemistry between Hill and Tatum carried over great from the first one, and I even really liked that the Ice Cube had a bigger role. T sum up this movie without giving anything away is best said by...if you have seen the first one then you understand half of this movies plot, only they added a few things and changed a few others. So you get what made the first one work and new comedy/story to get you engaged. Would I say this is the best comedy of the year? of right now...yes I would. Mostly because so far this year I have not been impressed by the comedy films that have been released. I could not get into Neighbors, I really disliked Ride Along and I have yet to see Think like a Man too. 

All in all, I give 22 Jump Street 7.5 Fedoras out of 10 because I thought it  was a hilarious movie, but it wasn't totally original so 7.5 is as high as I want to go.

Monday, June 16, 2014

How to train your dragon 2 Movie Review!!!!

   This movie was absolutely outstanding!!!!

   I have already seen this movie twice, once on opening night and again the following morning with my girlfriend before work. If you have not read my review of the first one to understand my enthusiasm then probably should. 
   This ended up being one those rare films that surpasses the original. The character development that you see here from the first one was great, the humor that worked so good in the first one continued to carry over to this one but the best part about this movie....NOTHING was dumbed down for the kids. Adults can walk into this movie and not worry about just getting a good kids movie. How to train your dragon 2 is just overall an amazing movie. The aerial shots in this movie looks amazing, the characters feel almost organic both in appearance and even on the emotional level. I won't lie to you...I actually teared up 3-4 times watching this. As  said, this i not just a great a kids film its just a great movie in general, the emotional moments are emotional, the fun and funny moments are fun/funny for everyone, the characters are more layered and of course grown up than the previous film. The CG in this one compared to the first is breathtaking. a lot of scenery shots actually looked real the CG was that crisp and clean.
    Now lets talk plot a little without giving much away. The story takes place 5 years after the first one, all the teens are now in their early 20s late teens, and Berk, where they live, has stopped fighting the dragons and now instead keeps them as pets and friends. Hiccup has become his villages hero. Everything seems to be great until they hear about someone who is building a dragon army and sweeping across the known world. Hiccup and Toothless head out to stop him. If you want to know more I suggest you find time to head to a theater near you to see this. 

I give How to train your dragon 2....9 Fedoras out of 10!!!

Can't wait for a third one!!! Please let there be a third one!!

How to train your dragon Movie Review!!!

   I figured before I give my opinion on the new one I should take a few to say how much I reall love this franchise. So here we go. The first one actually came out around my birthday and the only thing I wanted to do was see it. I know...I;ma  rather boring person for the most part, I really love movies, and something about this one really caught my eye. It did not disappoint. How to train your dragon is one of my favorite animated movies, I loved the concept, the characters, he humor, the dragons and the CG. Was it a perfect movie? No, but I loved it. The movie, as most everyone should know, follows Hiccup who is by viking standards a runt. No one expects anything from him and that is pretty much what they get. During a raid/attack on the village though he strikes down a dragon they call a Night Fury. Of course no one believes him so he go to find it in the woods. when he finds it and decides not to finish it off but instead free it from the net he tangled it in. A rather weird friendship starts to take place. From there the movie shows their growing understanding of each other and of course their kinship. This knowledge that Hiccup gains proves useful when he is thrown into something his father(who is the viking chief by the way) calls dragon training. Where young vikings learn how to kill the dragons. Hiccup starts to show promise and gains jealousy from the girl he has a crush on, Astrid. And here is where I will stop because I love this movie too much to ruin the ending for anyone that possibly has not seen this is yet. So if you have agreed with any of my reviews to now...take my word and watch this movie, because I have...again and again HAHA.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Maleficent Movie Review!!!!

   Well, it has been awhile since I last wrote here. Mt new job has been proving to make seeing movies and writing reviews on them rather difficult. But fear not!!! I will continue watch movies and get reviews to you as quickly as I can. 
    With that covered, lets talk about Disney's Maleficent starring Angelina Jolie, I personally walk into each movie I see with a different expectation of what I want to see. And this one certainly reached the expectation I had for it and then some. It is a truly beautiful movie to look at, I enjoyed the new take on a Disney classic and as many have already stated...Angelina was born for this role. holy crap, she owned this character. I can't think of anyone else I would of rather seen. Now I am not going to get into the movie too much because I hate spoilers that's why I do separate spoiler reviews sometimes. But I will say tht you go into this movie not expecting just a live action re-hash of their animated movie and take this for its own standalone take on familiar characters. You WILL enjoy this movie, potentially even love it. My sister and mom thought it was amazing, my older brother enjoyed and I was very happy with it. My only gripe is about the narrating through the first half of the movie, it was not constant but the few I did hear it I personally could of done without. That I think is just a preference because the people I was with did not mind it.

   So all in all I have to give Maleficent...7.5 Fedora's out of 10. It was a enjoyable time that adults and kids can enjoy with truly beautiful graphics and artwork.