
Friday, May 23, 2014

X-Men Days of Future Past Movie Review!!!!!

   I have had some time to think about the film now, so lets talk about the most EPIC X-Men movie to date!!! Without giving too much away DOFP takes place in both the past and future, Wolverine with the help of Kitty's new powers has to transport his mind back in time to 1973 to prevent their apocalyptic future from ever happening. The main characters are Jennifer Lawrence(Mystique), Hugh Jackman(Wolverine), Patrick Stewart(Old Professor X), Ian McKellen(Old Magneto), James McAvoy(Young Professor X) and Micheal Fassbender(Young Magneto). That is by no means all of the cast but that is center piece with Peter Dinklage(Dr.Bolivar Trask) and Nicholas Hoult(Beast) with a constant appearance throughout. The massive cast and over abundance of talent that was gathered for this movie is crazy, and although some is wasted by lack of lines and screen time, you can not argue with the end result. This movie is THE GREATEST X-MEN MOVIE TO DATE!! It completely lived up to its hype. From start to finish the amazing story, characters, CGI and actors grab your attention and take you on a mind blowing twist of past actions leading to future problems. And like the film critic Jeremy Jahn's said...this film really is about "Hope". Its hard to say much about the film specifically without revealing spoilers so I will end this here with...GO SEE THIS MOVIE. IF YOU ARE A FAN OF AMAZING FILMS, FANTASTIC ACTING, MIND BENDING STORY AND OF COURSE...SUPERHEROES. THERE IS NOTHING YOU WILL REGRET ABOUT MAKING TIME TO SEE THIS ENSEMBLE OF CHARACTERS AND CAST ON THE BIG-SCREEN TOGETHER. 
P.S. There is a end credit scene so be sure to stick around.
If you have seen this movie already, give me your thoughts...I give X-Men Days of Future Past...
9.5 Fedora's out of 10

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

New Guardians of the Galaxy trailer Review!!!!

   The new trailer dropped and Marvel made a bid deal out of it so if you haven't seen it yet...what rock are you living under??? With that covered, lets talk about the new footage we got of the strangest Marvel movie to date. 
   First lets talk about Groot, since he never has much to say I will just say that I think he looks awesome and Vin's voice was a great choice. Now lets discuss Rocket...voiced by Bradley Cooper and I personally think that just like Olaf made Frozen...Rocket is going to own this movie. People are going to walk out and start talking about the foul mouthed gun touting raccoon. The other three we have had better shots of already but I will say again that I love Chris Pratt and Zoe in these roles. I think this movie is going to be the biggest surprise of the summer. I love the look and tone/feel they are going for. At first I wasn't sure what it reminded me until I watched me some AMC Movie talk...Serenity is what I was thinking of. If this turns out to be the next Serenity...I will be over the moon happy with the summer blockbusters this year. So what are your thoughts? Let me hear them!!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Godzilla (2014) Movie Review!!!

   Godzilla!!...The king of monsters and one of the most iconic characters in the world of cinema. I went into this really hoping for some bad ass monster fighting and of course to see Godzilla command the screen...and I did...sort of, the movie felt epic, larger than life and something so far out of the realm of possibility but.. I really think that the movie should of focused more on Godzilla and the other monsters. The human aspect was good, but that isn't what I personally went into a Godzilla movie to see. I wanted to see the monsters. With that said I thought the shots and scenes we did get with Godzilla and the other monsters were absolutely outstanding. He looked MASSIVE, POWERFUL, and completely like something out of myth/legend. By no means was this a horrible movie or a waste of time, if you are a monster movie fan, Godzilla fan, destruction fan, ect and so on then you will have a good time. I don't think you will be disappointed with the way Godzilla looks or fights. The over use of the human aspect on the other might pull you out of it. Again and as always this is just my opinion and experience from watching the movie. And as much fun as I had watching Godzilla kick ass and take names...

I have to give Godzilla (2014) a
7 Fedora's out of 10 (7/10)

   Hopefully if we get another one we will see more of an emphases on the monsters with more actual  screen time but the movie was still a good time and worth a see.

Neighbors Movie Review!!!!

   So I finally had the chance to see Neighbors thanks to my GF wanting to see it for her birthday tonight. Honestly wish we had seen Godzilla instead....I was personally very underwhelmed by the movie, it to me did not live up to its hype. I won't lie, it had its funny moments and redeeming areas but over all I was not overly impressed and neither was the GF. Luckily I salvaged her outing with some dinner and my amazing charms *wink*.
   Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne were the only good comedic moments for me. Zac and everyone else from the frat did a great job but the comedy just fell flat for me more times than it worked. It could be because I don't enjoy that kind of company, parties, drugs, ect so I just couldn't relate with the characters... I don't think I am making the most sense at the moment but I can't really find the words to describe just how blah I found the film. And it has nothing to do with the cast, I thought the chemistry and comedic timing was spot on from everyone, one of Seth's better performances recently, although for me I am going to have to give Neighbors a....

6.5/10 Fedora's

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mom's Night Out Movie Review!!!

   So yesterday was mothers day and my mom wanted to see this so I took her to see it. And I was pleasantly surprised by it as just a comedy. The tone was very heavy Christian/religion but it wasn't so bad that it ruined my enjoyment for the film. 
   Everything about this whether your a mom or not is relatable and easy to understand, the comedy was good for constant chuckles and light laughing through out but obviously I am not the target demographic so if your a mom take my opinion for what it is...a by stander that took his mom to what she wanted to see. But I did have a good time, the bikers were great, the cast was funny, the chemistry seemed to project well to the audience and the kids...holy crap the kids...luckily my mom told me I was never that bad, I think if they were mine I would of gone nuts also...
   Anyways!! I recommend this movie once you've seen, Spiderman 2, Captain America 2, Neighbors and Divergent and your just looking for a nice night out. 

I give it 5 Fedora out of 10 as an overall score
a 7.5 Fedoras out of 10 for what it was trying to be. Simply because I did laugh through out and have a good time.

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Movie Review!!!! SPOILERS!!!

   Finding time to write on here is getting harder and harder. But nonetheless!!! We have a new Amazing Spiderman movie to talk about and there was no way I was missing that. So I took my gf with me opening night right after work to catch it, mostly because I personally really liked the last one. I thought it was a great reboot to a "amazing" hero. Besides Superman, Spiderman is among my favorite comic book heroes. With that said, lets about the new one shall we.
   So The Amazing Spiderman 2 features Green Goblin, Electro, and Rhino. Also SPOILER!! Gwen Stacey's death. Everyone's biggest concern with this this movie was there possibly being too many villains, I can honestly tell you there is not. Much like avengers Marc Webb found a great way to space out the villains screen times making the movie very balanced I thought. Even the action was spaced out nicely. My only annoyance was that I personally felt that Gwen's death was rushed, but much like the first one Emma Stone does great as Gwen Stacey, we got to learn more about her but maybe it was just me maybe it wasn't(lets talk about that below). I really enjoyed how we got to see Spiderman the way we see him in the comics, very much a smart ass, very strong, fast and of course smart. Among the Sam Raimi Spiderman movies the thing I hated most was the time Peter Parker was on screen, thankfully Andrew Garfield does not cause this feeling, I actually enjoyed the Peter Parker scenes. I want to say its because there is actually a sense of depth to the character in this reboot that we didn't have before. Speaking of depth, lets talk Dane Dehaan, aka Harry Osborn, aka Green Goblin. I think Dane was a fantastic Harry and a terrifying Goblin. We don't get enough of him in this movie to make any serious judgments I don't think...while we are on the villain subject though lets talk about Jaime Foxx...before he became Electro I honestly could not stand his character Max. He was so crazy, showed no confidence, had a hard on Spiderman since he was saved by him at the start of the movie. As soon as he became Electro though...I think Jamie killed it. He was able to bring a sense of life to the character, making him likable and scary. And the final villain...Rhino, he has about 10 min of total screen time through the entire movie...but the ending scene Paul Giamatti rocks it. I just really hope we get to see more of him in Spiderman 3. 
   Obviously there is sooo much we could talk about for this movie but that would a lot to type, so lets end here and open it up to you all, what were your thoughts about this movie? I want to hear them!!
By the way....8.5/10!!!